Education & Skills Development
Botswana has a highly literate population at 88% literacy rate. Also, government has spent billions of dollars over the decades in educating citizens almost free of charge locally, but mostly abroad in world class institutions. As national and world economics evolve, there is a need for continued training to adapt and/or upskill to contemporary and future world requirements. As such, there is immense opportunity for education and training services in Botswana, fully supported by government.
- Specific opportunities in education and skills training include, but not limited to:
- Trade skills certification training for all industries (e.g. Mining, Engineering, Construction, Manufacturing, etc...)
- Technician specialist training (e.g. Bio-medical equipment, OEM equipment of various industries, etc...)
- Coding & Software development
- Train the trainer (all industries)
- Agricultural technology
- Early childhood development
- Lifetime training and education services for special needs students
- Aged care
- Commercialization of sport and performing arts
- Entrepreneurship
Apprenticeships are a form of training highly appreciated of companies that establish in Botswana, while any training that's part of a staff development program is subject to certain tax rebates of up to 200% of training costs.